Author: BlogAdmin

  • What Our first Year Has Been

    Hi everyone, I know it may seem like we’ve dropped off the radar but what a year we’ve had. We’ve been digging, building and repairing all season on our beautiful little spot out in Cavan. We’re excited to get back in touch with our podcast (once we’ve sorted out how to host our own RSS…

  • Podcast Episode 8- Who we are and what we’re doing

    Lnr and Mouse talk about how our co-op work works at a base level as well as touching on the flaws of capitalism and their views on moving beyond it

  • Podcast Episode 7- The Rollerskate Incident

    CW: discussion of police brutality, spreading fascism, racism and discrimination against LGBTQIA, sexual assault and abortion.. The gang dunk on the nnnngardai, give an update on our slightly shrunken anarchist ecotopia aka the SLAZ, going to Dirt Church and lots more

  • Podcast Episode 6: – A light in the North-West

    LNR and Marcus discuss the impending US election and have an exciting announcement!

  • The Garden is the Frontline

    The gang today includes Mouse, Squirrel, LNR, Morgane & Sam! A alot of permaculture and guerrilla gardening chat, why Magical sigils don’t work on slugs but guiness does, why you should definately not do crimes to your local park and how ireland’s recent increase in untrained police officers with more powers granted to them is…

  • RIP Neoliberalism Mouse and Cassie discuss the irish economy, the imminent death of neoliberalism, the state of fascism in ireland our land project gofundme:

  • Affinity Collective Gofundme We have officially launched our fundraising campaign on Gofundme! We aim to raise €50k for developing our project. After two years of preparation, we’re incredibly excited to get started! Any excess funds generated by our gofundme will be invested into further developing the project.

  • Beauty & Racism

    The micro-sociology of racism within the concept of beauty The goal of this piece is to highlight the ways in which racism is prevalent within the concept of beauty itself. This seeks to exemplify the ways in which ‘micro-aggressions’ (just aggressions in my opinion), can manifest themselves through beauty. I place the hegemonic conception of…

  • #BlackLivesMatter

    A protest will be taking place on Saturday, June 6th at 3pm outside the US Embassy in Dublin which members of the Affinity Collective will be attending – we encourage everyone who can attend to do so and remember, mask up to prevent the spread of coronavirus. We also recommend donating to organisations such as…

  • PlagueWorld Quarantinis

    CONTENT WARNING: We talk about an extremely vile form of child abuse and violent medical quackery in this episode. Cassandra, LNR, Mouse and Emmet talk about the plagueworld, why internet leftism should be more chill about conspiracy theories,and just generally how Online Was A Mistake. We take a detour into some pretty upsetting topics, namely…