About Us

Affinity Collective is a land and housing co-operative in west Cavan, Ireland. The project was started in 2018, we became a registered co-op in 2020, and bought 8 acres of land in 2021. The goals of the project are as follows:

  1. Take a small piece of land and housing off the market and back into common, collective use and responsibility
  2. Use this to build resources and power for our communities and movements towards climate justice and worker and housing rights
  3. Develop an easily replicable legal and organisational model for others to learn from and develop on their own terms

We make decisions by consensus using a modified form of sociocracy.

Our accomplishments to date include:

  1. Developing connections and collaborations with a broad cross-section of society, from our next door neighbours to like-minded individuals around the world.
  2. Developing a legal structure that conforms to the requirements of the Irish Industrial and Provident Societies Act of 1893 while maintaining our commitment to non-hierarchical organisation
  3. Turning 8 acres of land from over-grazed cattle pasture to the beginnings of natural woodland
  4. Building low-cost, low-input infrastructure for living on the land, including housing, renewable energy sources, and social spaces


This statement outlines the ideals that drive our project. They are intended to set us apart from traditional Western capitalist, white supremacist, and heteropatriarchal society. These principles guide us in collectively creating a counter-cultural environment grounded in mutual aid, respect, equality, and sustainability.

Our vision statement describes the goal of our project. Where the project principles are our compass, the vision statement is closer to a very broad level map that shows the route we’re taking. It sets out how our project fits into broader movements for liberation and what we hope to contribute to those movements.